Saturday 8 October 2011


If I could meet anyone who has passed on I would like to meet Irene Sendler, a social worker who saved 2500 Jewish children during World War 2.  I'd like to ask her where she found the courage to shine a light into darkness.  Being a light  leaves you vulnerable to both physical and emotional attack.  But the alternate, hiding in the shadows can cost so much more.  Can 1 person change the world?  I think so, but not by themselves.  Usually what happens is that 1 person shines the light and inspires others to come out of hiding. Sometimes so many lights are shining that even the darkness is changed.
Most of us aren't going to change the world.  When we pass few will remember our names but those that do, the ones that we had an impact on, will remember the moments we stood in support of their struggles, their triumphs and dreams.  Our light will not be extinguished. 
I found this wonderful book at the library called One by Kathryn Otoshi (ISBN: 978-0972394642) which I shared with my Grade 1 class and was amazed how this simply illustrated book could elicit such great thoughts.  One is the story of the number 1 who comes to the rescue of Blue,Yellow, Green and some other colours when they are being bullied by Red and in doing so transforms their lives.  The message of being true to yourself  is so simple yet so powerful and lends itself to a variety of topics.